Rapid City, South Dakota was nothing but the best to me! As it was my first time to ever travel to the state of South Dakota I am truly glad it was for Rodeo Rapid City. The scenery of the state is something that cannot be told; it is truly something you have to see in person. As a group all of the rodeo royalty state title holders traveled to Mount Rushmore. We captured some amazing photos and had a great time while we were there. During Rodeo Rapid City I had the opportunity to help carry sponsor flags, attend autograph signings, as well as model for the Girls in Spurs Fashion Show. My host Miss Rodeo South Dakota, Martina Loobey, did a great job of taking care of all the visiting royalty during the duration of the rodeo. Sutton Rodeo Company did an amazing job of producing a wonderful rodeo that had a great turnout each night. Overall, my time in Rapid City was great and I would not have changed it for the world!